Justification of the advisability of using solar energy for the example of the yemen republic

Murad A. A. Almekhlafi


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1313470

Received: 26 June 2018

Accepted: 17 July 2018

Published online: 20 July 2018



The objective of this work is to study and analyze deeply the evaluation of the state of the energy sector in Yemen and to justify the use of solar energy through statistical results with a scientific, ecological, economic and financial perspective. In the article shows in Yemen a strong dependence on traditional energy, which is dependent on fossil fuels, petroleum, and its derivatives, is one of the main causes that cause severe damage to human beings, the environment, and all living organisms. Electricity in Yemen, mainly depends on oil power plants – 699 MW of diesel, 495 MW of steam, and 341 MW from gas power plants. The total capacity of the national grid in 2013 was 1,535 MW. The power plants generate electrical power at different voltage levels, which are 10.5 KV, 11 KV, 13.8 KV, and 15 KV and then the voltage levels are boosted to the transmission voltage levels of 230 KV and 400 KV. Determined that when the industrial plants are isolated from the grid, they consume a large amount of diesel to generate electricity. Such consumption is 79,000 tons of diesel per year to generate approximately 127 MW. The further work of the power sector on diesel fuel is a growing problem both for the country's economy and for the ecology of the environment. The only solution and the alternative source of electricity and economy in the country is the use of renewable energy of all kinds and according to priorities. But the use of geothermal water is environmentally hazardous. Because of the lack of water in the Yemen Republic, that can lead to droughts and required a large consumption of diesel fuel for pumping of groundwater. The results show that Yemen is considered one of the richest countries in the world with regards to solar radiation. It is necessary to strengthen cooperation with researchers from the academic institutions and institutions concerned in study and in the creation of energy sources based on solar energy.


Keywords: environmental safety, clean energy, solar radiation, electricity.



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