Ethical standards for publication exist to ensure high-quality scientific publications, public trust in scientific findings. Journal of Technogenic and Ecological Safety follows the Codex of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) , Code of Conduct  and seeks to adhere to its Best Practice Guidelines.

 1. Principles of professional ethics in the work activities of the editor

The editor is responsible for everything published in the magazine, that is:

- strives to satisfy the needs of readers and authors;

- strives to constantly improve its magazine;

- In the work process have procedures that ensure the quality of published materials;

- protects freedom of thought;

- keeps allegiance to the principles of scientific honesty;

- is always ready to post corrections, explanations, denials (withdraw articles) and apologies when necessary.

 In relations with readers, the editor:

- ensures that all published articles and reviews are reviewed by specialists with the necessary qualifications (including statistical analysis, where necessary);

- uses procedures that encourage the accuracy, completeness and clarity of research, including technical editing;

- uses a system of attribution, which encourages the use of best practices (such that lists of authors accurately reflect who performed the work) and discourages unfair practices (for example, anonymous authorship or gift authorship);

- informs readers about the steps to ensure that the articles of the journal staff or members of the editorial board receive an objective and impartial evaluation.

 In relations with the authors editor:

- justifies the decision on the adoption of the article; if the editor refuses to publish the article, he justifies the refusal based on the significance of the article, its originality, clarity of presentation, reliability of the information contained in it and its proximity to the Aims and Scope of the journal;

- cancels the decision on the publication of article, only in case of detection of significant problems with it publication;

- has a clear procedure for reviewing articles by other scientists and is ready to justify any significant deviation from the described procedure;

- provides an effective selection of reviewers for articles (i.e. persons capable of making a competent opinion, and in which there is no conflict of interest with this work);

- announces the date of submission of article to the Editorial board and the decision to publish it.

 2. Principles of professional ethics in the work activities of the reviewer

- the reviewer does not disclose information to other persons and considers the manuscript of the article as a confidential document;

- the reviewer provides an objective and reasoned assessment of the stated research results;

- the reviewer does not use for personal purposes unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts;

- the reviewer determines the uniqueness and suitability of the article for the journal on its own independent literary review in this area;

- the reviewer requests the editor to exclude him from the review process of the submitted manuscript if he does not possess, in his opinion, sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript, or cannot be objective, for example, in the event of a conflict of interest with the author or organization;

- the reviewer does not make the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript, but gives recommendations and explains his point of view;

- the author's data is not transferred to the reviewer, and vice versa, the reviewer's data is not transferred to the author.

 3. Principles of ethics that should perform the author(s) of scientific publication

The author (group of authors) is aware that he is primarily responsible for the novelty and truthfulness of the results of submitted for publication scientific research, which meanes the observance of the following principles:

- the authors of the article should provide true results of the research, obviously false or falsified statements are unacceptable;

- the authors must ensure that the results of the study presented in the submitted manuscript are original. Borrowed fragments or approval must be executed with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including links that are not listed, rephrasing or assigning entitlements to the results of research of other authors, are unethical and unacceptable.

- the authors must to recognize the contribution of all individuals, one way or another influenced the course of the study, in particular, the article should contain references to the works that were relevant during the study.

- the authors should not submit a manuscript that has been sent to another journal and is being reviewed, as well as a manuscript already published in another journal.

 4. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the use of any other authoring work and the approval of it as your own work. Plagiarism is academic dishonesty and may constitute copyright infringement.

Journal of Technogenic and Ecological Safety is intended to publish only the original material of scientific articles, materials that have not been published and are not considered elsewhere. Authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript is original (in any language), and the information used from other publications in the text of the article has links.

Journal of Technogenic and Ecological Safety uses software (from open access) to identify cases of overlap and similar text in the submitted manuscripts before sending the article to the reviewer. Manuscripts that is plagiarism of own manuscripts or of the manuscripts of others authors are not accepted by the editor.

 The editorial board recommends that authors always check plagiarism before submitting a manuscript and not send the same article to several journals for publication.

 5. Resubmission

If the authors used their own previously published work or work, which is currently regarded as the basis for the submitted manuscript, they must bring preliminary work and indicate what the scientific development of the problematic is in the new submitted manuscript in contrast to the previous work.

 6. Production and falsification of data

In the event of the detection of fabricated or falsified experimental results in the submitted manuscripts, the articles are not accepted for publication, and the authors will be listed in the list of authors which the editors do not trust.