Development of basics of hazardous and critically important objects classification considering the threat of an anthropogenic emergencies
S. Azarov, V. Sydorenko, A. Zadunay
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3558940
Received: 08 July 2019
Accepted: 25 October 2019
Published: 29 November 2019
In the article, such notions as “potentially hazardous object”, “high threat object” and “potentially hazardous and critically important object” are articulated and categorized. Forms are given, with which the anthropogenic risks are shown for normal operational use of potentially hazardous objects and high threat objects, as well as during hazardous anthropogenic phenomena. The class division of main potentially hazardous and critically important objects is provided, including the threat of anthropogenic emergencies with the short characteristics for every class. An outline classification of potentially hazardous and critically important objects is given for first two stages, including the numeric serial encoding of every group category. Such notions as “explosion hazardous” and “explosion-proof” are analyzed. The analysis of the parameters of anthropogenic effects on potentially hazardous and critically important object potentially hazardous and critically important object is often multifactorial and is associated with the solution of uncertainties. This requires a systematic approach and the involvement of a suitable mathematical apparatus. It should be noted that due to the incompleteness of the knowledge base and the database available today, which are included in the calculations, the quantitative results of the potentially hazardous and critically important object analysis can have considerable uncertainty.
The practical implementation of the given classification of critically important objects, gives opportunity for controlling, forecasting and managing of anthropogenic risk level. The terms of fuzziness of critically important objects ranging were analyzed with using of geometrical convolution criteria method. A classification which takes into account and partly reduces the fuzziness of ranging is offered.
The method of analysis of various types of potentially hazardous and critically important object can be used to evaluate possible emergencies with subsequent analysis of damage caused by man-made accidents and natural disasters.
Key words: classification, threats, potentially hazardous object, high threat object, critically important object, risks, emergencies.
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