Analysis of the modern mathematical means of assessment of the influence of storage sites of ash-slag waste heat power on the ecological state of the adjacent territories

A. Іatsyshyn, O. Popov, V. Artemchuk, V. Kovach, I. Kameneva


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3558966

Received: 16 September 2019

Accepted: 28 October 2019

Published: 29 November 2019




This work is devoted to the problem of the influence of storage sites of ash-slag waste of fuel and energy complex enterprises on the environment. The processes occurring in the ash dumps are described, namely: evaporation of water with formation in the territory of dry areas with dust particles of ash-slag waste under the action of wind and infiltration of water (illuminated or even partially untreated) and ingress of dissolved forms of water and slugs of ash and slugs beyond.

The peculiarities of the transfer of pollutants in the area of impact of ash dump are investigated. The processes and phenomena observed during the transfer of dissolved substances into the soil are identified. The components of the process of wind erosion and the mechanisms of influence on the particles located on the surface of the layer of the territory of the ash dump are described. The factors that determine the erosion of the ash dump as a site object are listed.

A mathematical model of migration of contaminants in soils is described, which consists of a system of differential equations in second-order partial derivatives with variable coefficients. An analytical solution of these equations with certain simplifications is given for the case of two-dimensional flow, where the aquifer can be considered horizontal, single-layer and homogeneous. A two-dimensional model of migration of soluble components is considered, which takes into account the relief gradient as the main cause of water movement in the surface layers of soil. A number of formulas are presented that allow estimating the emission of ash particles into the atmosphere beyond the sanitary zone of the ash dump, solids blown away from the ash dump surface, as well as the approximate width of the dust cloud.

The results obtained will be used in the development of software to determine the impact of the storage site of waste heat on the environment and the population of the surrounding areas.

Key words: ash-slag dump, ash-slag waste, migration model, environmental pollution.



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