Determination of the ecological state of the main source of water supply of Ukraine

R. Ponomarenko, L. Plyatsuk, O. Tretyakov, P. Kovalev


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3559035

Received: 16 September 2019

Accepted: 28 October 2019

Published: 29 November 2019




The article analyzes the changes in the ecological status of the water of the Dnieper basin and identifies the possible causes of this phenomenon, as well as possible ways to improve its ecological status. The change in the ecological status of surface water was determined by carrying out a retrospective analysis of the monitoring data and environmental assessment of the water resources of Ukraine by the State Water Resources Agency of Ukraine for the period 2009-2018, taking into account changes in the content of normalized indicators: the total content of anions; dissolved oxygen in water; BOS5; phosphates, nitrites, nitrates, as well as ammonium. The retrospective analysis was conducted according to the data of the water abstraction control within the framework of the Dnieper Basin Water Resources Management, according to 14 fence posts, taking into account the requirements of the State Standard of Ukraine 4808: 2007. As a result of the analysis, using an interpreted methodological approach, it was found that the further change of the ecological status of the surface waters of the Dnieper basin in the direction of its improvement cannot occur without the development and implementation of a reliable and effective model for predicting its ecological status, and solving the problem of its ecological improvement should be taken to a new level in accordance with fundamental changes in the nature management and economic development strategy of the country and only through the development of national program of restoration of its ecological status. The originality of the research is based on an integrated approach, which includes a retrospective analysis of all available data in the State Agency for Water Resources of Ukraine, which takes into account the principles of biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of water resources, management and basins of rivers, monitoring and evaluation of information on their status. In the future, the results of the study can be used in the development and implementation of a reliable and effective model for predicting the ecological status of surface waters of the Dnieper basin.

Key words: Dnieper basin, ecological status, anthropogenic load, quality assessment, ecological improvement.



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