Kozulia Tatiana
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Korshunov Svjatoslav
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
DOI: 10.52363/2522-1892.2023.1.5
Keywords: technological ecological safety, technologically dangerous object, systemological modeling, system-system research, complex ecological estimation, informational support, ecological quality control program
The paper defines advantages of using systemological approach and systemological classification analysis for information software systems creation in system objects scientific analysis that solves estimation problems of technological objects influence upon environment. It provides usage overview of systemological theses during various objects models creation while solving interdisciplinary tasks. These models capabilities and effectiveness are determined.
Normal petrol station (are classified as potentially dangerous object) functioning was chosen as the practical research subject. The main technological load of the normal petrol stations functioning is accrued upon atmosphere through oil products evaporation, water objects, underground water and citizens’ water supplies through wastewater, soil through organic matter wastes. This means that authors suggested complex solving of technological ecological security problems of such potentially dangerous objects.
The systemological model of potentially dangerous object (“environment – petrol station” – pollution systems – petrol station ecological state based on “petrol station – environment”) danger estimation was chosen as a research object to develop informational support of determining petrol stations influence on environment. The research subject is determining complex estimation of normal petrol station functioning influence on environment. It based on systemology of the technological objects research and the design of information software support of potential dangerous objects technological ecological danger determination.
Normal petrol station systemological model as of technologically dangerous object was designed. There was provided mathematical support to determine factors of influence on environment taking into account population health, influence parameters determination algorithms, and complex estimation calculation of technological load upon environment. These are the results of the work.
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