Kovtun David

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Dushkin Stanislav

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine


DOI: 10.52363/2522-1892.2024.1.8


Keywords: ion exchange, magnetic modification, intensification, natural waters, mineral composition correction, purification, softening, demineralization



The method of ion exchange is widely used in modern water supply systems. Ion exchange units are used to correct the mineral composition of water to the required standards; wastewater treatment; desalination and softening of natural waters. Today, there are technical solutions to improve the process of water purification, softening and demineralization. They include: improvement of physical and chemical conditions; intensification of the ion exchange process; use of new ion exchange materials; modification of ion exchange resins; combination with other water treatment methods; modernization of equipment and designs of ion exchange devices. The paper investigates the effect of magnetic modification on the intensification of ion exchange processes during the adjustment of the mineral composition of natural waters. The obtained results demonstrate the influence of the magnetic field on the ion exchange process.



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