Hostieva Diana
Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Trokhymenko Ganna
Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
DOI: 10.52363/2522-1892.2024.2.2
Key words: wells, drinking water quality, alternative sources of water supply, groundwater level, treatment means, groundwater resources, Mykolaiv region
The analysis of groundwater use as a source of drinking water supply is an important task in the context of ensuring sustainable development and conservation of natural resources. Groundwater, a vital source of fresh water for the population, industry, and agriculture, can be subject to overuse, leading to a decrease in its level, pollution, and other negative consequences.
This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the situation with groundwater use in the Mykolaiv region, highlighting the main causes of this phenomenon, its consequences, and possible solutions.
Analyzing the reasons for the overuse of groundwater, it was found that the key factors are insufficient supervision by government agencies, underestimation of the role of groundwater in the water supply and sewerage system, and imperfect water management. These problems require immediate attention and resolution. Another important aspect is the lack of public awareness of the methods of rational water use, which also contributes to excessive groundwater consumption.
The second aspect of the analysis concerns the consequences of excessive groundwater use. These include lowering the groundwater table, depletion of water sources, contamination of groundwater with chemicals and microbiological pollutants, reduced quality of drinking water, and environmental damage. These effects can have long-term impacts on ecosystems and human health. In addition, a decline in groundwater levels can lead to degradation of natural landscapes, loss of biodiversity, and changes in the region's hydrological regime.
Possible solutions to the problem may include improving legislation and regulatory mechanisms, implementing effective systems for monitoring and controlling groundwater use, and creating and applying innovative technologies for water treatment and conservation. It is also important to raise the level of environmental awareness among the population through educational programs and information campaigns aimed at promoting the rational use of water resources.
Thus, an integrated approach to groundwater management, including legal regulation, technological innovations, educational activities, and international cooperation, is a key to ensuring reliable water supply to the population of the Mykolaiv region and preserving natural resources for future generations.
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