Field evaluation of infiltration models

Parveen Sihag, Balraj Singh

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1239447

Received: 24 March 2018

Accepted: 30 April 2018

Published online: 3 May 2018



Infiltration has a great importance in the watershed management and prediction of flood. Infiltration is defined as a physical phenomenon, in which water penetrates into the soil from surface sources such as precipitation, snowfall, irrigation etc. Information of infiltration is necessary in hydrologic design, watershed management, irrigation, and agriculture. It is, therefore, necessary to have a detailed understanding of infiltration characteristics for a given land use complex. Infiltration is a vital component process of the hydrologic cycle. It is one of the main abstractions accounted for in the rainfall-runoff modeling. In the hydrological process, infiltration divids the water into two parts surface flow and groundwater flow. Soils of different types have different infiltration characteristics. Infiltration rates are affected by a number of factors of which antecedent soil moisture texture of the soil, density and behaviour of the soil. Knowledge of infiltration is essential for any beneficial durable study of hydrological evaluations. In this investigation, the performance of the various infiltration models (Mezencev, Philip’s, Horton’s, Kostiakov, Modified Kostiakov and Lewis and Milne) was evaluated by using double ring infiltrometer on five different locations in National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra. The aim was to study the ability of the models in accurately predicted cumulative infiltration. The performance of various models was evaluated using evaluation parameter Sum of Squared Error (SSE), Model Efficiency and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) criteria. The results show that Modified Kostiakov model and Mezencev model are most efficient models with SSE, Model Efficiency and RMSE that are 2. 352, 99.621, 0.400 and 2.483, 99.619, 0.491 (average values) respectively. Hence, Modified Kostiakov and Mezencev model could be used successfully to evaluate the cumulative infiltration of soil for the study area.

Keywords: cumulative infiltration, prediction of flood, root means square error, sum of square error.


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1. Effect of compactions on infiltration characteristics of soil / Siyal A., Oad F., Samo M., Oad N. // Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. 2002. Vol. 1. Р. 3–4.

2. Oku E., Aiyelari A. Predictability of Philip and Kostiakov infiltration models under inceptisols in the humid forest zone, Nigeria // Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.). 2011. Vol. 45(4). Р. 1–9.

3. Singh B., Sihag,P., Singh K. Modelling of impact of water quality on infiltration rate of soil by random forest regression // Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. 2017. Р. 1–6.

4. Methods for measuring soil infiltration: State of the art / Lili M., Bralts V., Yinghua P., Han L., Tingwu L. // International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. 2008. Vol. 1(1). Р. 22–30.

5. Green W. GA Ampt. Studies in soil physics // J. Agric. Sci. 1911. Vol. 4. Р. 1–24.

6. Williams J., Ying O., Chen J., Ravi V. Estimation of infiltration rate in the vadose zone: Application of selected mathematical models. 1998. Vol. 2. 117 р.

7. Mbagwu J. S. C. Testing the goodness of fit of infiltration models for highly permeable soils under different tropical soil management systems // Soil and Tillage Research. 1995. Vol. 34(3). Р. 199–205.

8. Mishra S., Singh V. Another look at SCS–CN method // Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 1999. Vol. 4(3). Р. 257–264.

9. Shukla M., Lal R., Unkefer P. Experimental evaluation of infiltration models for different land use and soil management systems // Soil Science. 2003. Vol. 168(3). Р. 178–191.

10. Chahinian N., Moussa R., Andrieux P., Voltz M. Comparison of infiltration models to simulate flood events at the field scale // Journal of Hydrology. 2005. Vol. 306(1). Р. 191–214.

11. Dashtaki S., Homaee M., Mahdian M., Kouchakzadeh M. Site–dependence performance of infiltration models // Water Resources Management. 2009. Vol. 23(13). Р. 2777–2790.

12. Evaluation of infiltration models with different numbers of fitting in different soil texture classes / Mirzaee S., Zolfaghari A. A., Gorji M., Dyck M., Ghorbani Dashtaki S. // Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2013. Р. 1–13.

13. Sihag P., Tiwari N., Ranjan S. Estimation and inter–comparison of infiltration models // Water Science. 2017. Vol. 31(1). Р. 34–43.

14. Sihag P., Tiwari N. K., Ranjan S. Modelling of infiltration of sandy soil using gaussian process regression // Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. 2017b. Vol. 3(3). Р. 1091–1100.

15. Sihag P., Tiwari N. K., Ranjan S. Prediction of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity using adaptive neuro–fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) // ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 2017c. Р. 1–11.

16. Tiwari N. K., Sihag P., Kumar S., Ranjan S. Prediction of trapping efficiency of vortex tube ejector // ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 2018. Р. 1–9.

17. Singh B., Sihag P., Singh D. Study of Infiltration Characteristics of Locally Soils // Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology. 2014. Vol. 1. Р. 9–13.

18. Abdulkadir A., Wuddivira M., Abdu N., Mudiare O. Use of Horton infiltration model in estimating infiltration characteristics of an alfisol in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria // J. Agric. Sci. Technol. 2011. Vol. 1. Р. 925–931.

19. Philip J. The theory of infiltration: 1. The infiltration equation and its solution // Soil science. 1957. Vol. 83(5). Р. 345–358.

20. Horton R. An approach toward a physical interpretation of infiltration–capacity // Soil Science Society of America Journal. 1941. Vol. 5(C). Р. 399–417.

21. Kostiakov A. On the dynamics of the coefficient of water–percolation in soils and on the necessity of studying it from a dynamic point of view for purposes of amelioration // Trans. 6th Cong. International. Soil Science. 1932. Russian Part A. Р. 17–21.

22. Ravi V., Williams J. R., Ouyang Y. Estimation of infiltration rate in the vadose zone: compilation of simple mathematical models // In Estimation of infiltration rate in the vadose zone: compilation of simple mathematical models. EPA. 1998.

23. Lewis M., Milne W. Analysis of border irrigation // Agri. Eng. 1938. Vol 19. Р. 267–272.

24. ASTM D3385–09. Standard test method for infiltration rate of soils in field using double–ring infiltrometer, West Conshohocken, PA. 2009.