Research of composting processes of solid domestic wastes food composition

О. Sagdeeva, G. Krusir, A. Tsykalo, H. Leuenberger

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1244572

Received: 29 March 2018

Accepted: 3 May 2018

Published online: 7 May 2018


Solid domestic waste management in Ukraine remains one of the most urgent tasks in the field of environmental safety. Since 40 % of solid domestic waste refers to organic waste that decomposes easily, the removal of this part of waste from landfills, their composting and transformation into a secondary material resource will significantly reduce the environmental burden from existing and planned landfills. Aerobic composting is one of the best available technologies for an integrated waste management system by minimizing anthropogenic impact on the environment, compliance with the latest domestic and foreign developments, economic and practical acceptance of technology. The purpose of the pilot study is to study the possibility of accelerating the process of composting the food component of solid municipal waste by introducing microbiological additives for introduction as a nature protection technology in landfills. The article presents the results of the study of the influence of a microbiological additive on the process of composting the food component of solid household wastes in order to accelerate it in the mesophilic and thermophilic temperature regimes with controlled parameters. To improve the efficiency of the process of composting and to compare the characteristics of the processes as inoculum, the soil was used, as a microbiological additive - an extract from the soil. It has been shown that the microbiological complex of the process of composting the food component of a solid household waste by 3.3 times for the thermophilic regime and 2.1 times for the mesophilic conditions of the composting process, which testifies to the efficiency of its use in the processes of processing solid household waste in order to improve the general level of environmental safety.

Keywords: composting, waste, composted mixture, microbiological additive, mesophilic and thermophilic regimes.


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