Bandurian Boris
Institute of Electrophysics and Radiation Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraione
Kovalevskyj Volodymyr
National Cybersecurity Association, Kyiv, Ukraine
Tsvaigov Denis
National Cybersecurity Association, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: 10.52363/2522-1892.2021.2.2
Keywords: safety, safety assessment, safety assessment criteria, critical infrastructure.
The article is the second in a series of articles, united by a single theme of improving the organization of the country’s security management system. The article is completely based on the previous article “Formalization of safety assessment and management” and is a continuation of it. Accordingly, the article uses a unified approach to improving the organization of the management system, the same terminology and notation.
It has been determined that the safety assessment significantly depends on the operating conditions of the control object.
The approach to formation of structure of criteria of an estimation of a condition of safety on the analysis of full group of conditions of functioning of object of protection and the account of threshold values of complex criteria of an estimation – positive and negative potentials is offered.
The possible structure of formation of a complex criterion of safety assessment is considered.
The effectiveness of the proposed safety assessment system is based on the formalization of the signs of threats and risks through the analysis of potentials relevant to the object of management.
Representation of the object of control in the form of a formal model and the use of a safety chart allows to analyze the safety status on formal grounds and analyze using the proposed comprehensive criterion.
The formalization of the safety assessment procedure and the quantitative interpretation of the potentials allow the maximum use of computer information processing in order to timely objectively identify threats, conditions and risk areas.
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