Kondratenko Olexandr

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Koloskov Volodymyr

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Kapinos Yelyzaveta

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Tkachenko Oleksandra

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Repetenko Mykhajlo

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine


DOI: 10.52363/2522-1892.2021.2.5


Keywords: ecological safety, environmental protection technologies, pollutants emission, vapor of technical combustible liquids, large reservoir breathing, small reservoir breathing, oil depot



In this study the development, analysis and description of the sche­me of environment protection technology for the oil storage were carried out. The proposed scheme is provided for the utilization of vapors of technical combustible liquids stored at the enterprise, namely diesel fuel, gasoline and motor oil, formed during the manifestation of the phenomena of small and large reservoir breathing in significant quantities. Set of initial data and the mass hour­ly emission of such vapors into the en­vironment were obtained according to an improved approach. Development of a high-pressure storage reser­voir for such vapors as the executive device of environmental protection technology for the oil storage according to an improved approach was carried out. Parameters of the reciprocating compressor, which distills the mixture of such vapors from the low-pressure storage reservoir to the high-pressure sto­rage reservoir, compressing them, was selected. Calculation of the reservoir wall thickness ba­sed on the theory of strength of closed solid shells was carried out taking into account the mechanical properties of the wall material, namely steel 60, and the value of the pressure of the gaseous fluid in it. Magnitudes of weight of the deve­loped reservoir and the cost of materials for its manufacture were determinated. Design of a combined reservoir for the ac­cu­mu­lation of a volley of a mixture of such vapors with a system of intermediate cooling of the mixture after its compression by a reciprocating compressor and the pos­sibility of heating the condensate in the reservoir was de­ve­loped.



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