Bandurian Boris

Institute of Electrophysics and Radiation Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraione


Kovalevskyj Volodymyr

National Cybersecurity Association, Kyiv, Ukraine


DOI: 10.52363/2522-1892.2022.1.1


Keywords: safety state assessment, information systems, multispectral identification, infrared spectrometer



The article is a continuation of a series of articles united by a single theme of improving the organization of the country’s security management system. Materials from previous articles were used. The article outlines the principles of building the hardware component of the system of obtaining objective information, which will provide a unified approach to improving the organization of the management system, set out in previous articles.

Emphasis is placed on infrared spectrometers and the authors’ method of spectrometry, as a priority area for the development of objective information systems. The development of methodology and a specific example of the use of infrared systems and technologies is given.



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