Dushkin Stanislav

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine


DOI: 10.52363/2522-1892.2022.1.8


Keywords: modification of quartz loading, contact clarifier, structural and mechanical hydration, specific gravity, intensification of water treatment processes



In the article are considered the influence of modification of the quartz loading contact clarifiers on the degree of structural and mechanical hydration of aluminum hydroxide in water treatment processes.

Modification of the molecular structure of the surface of quartz grains of the filter charge increases the dirt capacity and increases the performance of structures. For the modification of filter materials can be used coagulants. Modification of filter materials allows with minimal cost to increase the performance of station of water treatment plants, to improve the quality of filtrate and reduce the cost of water treatment by reducing the consumption of reagents and increase the speed of filtration. The essence of the method is to increase the adhesion of the filter materials by the method of processing it with a solution of the reagent. The process of adhesion of suspended particles usually with a negative charge is more intense relative to the modified loading than the unmodified.

It is established that the use of modified quartz loading allows to reduce the degree of structural and mechanical hydration of aluminum hydroxide, increase the proportion of coagulated impurities, which ultimately allows to intensify water purification processes, namely to reduce reagent costs by an average of 40…50 % with water required quality, while the cost of clarified water is reduced by 25…30 %.



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