Shcherbakov Oleg 

Enabl Ukraine LLC, Odesa, Ukraine



Plyatsuk Leonid 

Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine



Parafiynyk Volodymyr 

JSC "SMNPO-Engineering", Sumy, Ukraine



DOI: 10.52363/2522-1892.2024.2.9


Keywords: natural gas, compressor station, main gas pipeline, turbo-compressor unit, gas turbine drive, centrifugal compressor, environmental characteristics, catalytic purification, energy recovery unit



The article examines the environmental aspects of creating turbo-compressor units for compressor stations of main gas pipelines. The aim of the study is to identify and analyze the main sources of environmental pollution arising from the operation of turbo-compressor units, as well as to analyze modern technical solutions aimed at reducing their negative impact on the environment. This goal is achieved through an analysis of the operational processes of turbo-compressor units, a review of literature sources and applicable regulations, as well as the systematization of many years of experience gained at JSC “SMNPO-Engineering” (Sumy, Ukraine) in the design and testing of similar equipment.

The most important results of the work are as follows: sources of chemical, acoustic, and thermal pollution generated during the operation of turbo-compressor units with gas turbine drives and centrifugal compressors have been identified; a conclusion has been drawn about the priority of developing dry fuel combustion methods to reduce emissions of pollutants. It is noted that the application of catalytic exhaust gas purification systems is advisable for modernizing existing compressor stations to ensure compliance with environmental requirements without replacing or significantly reworking engine designs.

Using a 16 MW gas turbine compressor unit as an example, an assessment of thermal pollution in the environment has been carried out. It has been concluded that reducing thermal pollution can be achieved by increasing the energy efficiency of turbo-compressor units, particularly through the application of complex working cycles of the drive, utilizing waste heat from exhaust gases, and creating energy technology complexes based on compressor stations of main gas pipelines for the production of electricity, heat, and cooling.

The results of this work can be used in the development of environmentally more efficient turbo-compressor units, which is especially relevant in the context of global climate change and increasing requirements of international environmental regulations. Moreover, increasing the energy efficiency of turbo-compressor units will not only reduce environmental pollution but also lower energy consumption and improve the cost-effectiveness of gas transportation.



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