Koval Iryna

Lviv Рolytechnic National UniversityLviv, Ukraine


DOI: 10.52363/2522-1892.2024.2.6


Key words: microorganisms, identification, natural water, wastewater



The microflora of natural (lake) water and industrial wastewater was investigated and the initial number of microorganisms in these waters was calculated. The main features of microorganisms identified during the process of their identification are indicated. Morphological, physiological and cultural characteristics of microorganisms were investigated by deep seeding of the samples of the investigated waters of the Lviv region on the nutrient media in the Petri dishes and by microscopy of preparations with lifelong staining. The growth pattern of colonies of microorganisms on meat-peptone agar (for bacteria) and wort-agar (for yeast) in a Petri dish is shown. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of microorganisms were analyzed, revealing the predominant genera of micro-objects in lake and industrial wastewater: Diplococcus, Sarcina, Bacillus, Pseudomonas bacteria types, Oscillatoria cyanobacteria, and Saccharomyces yeasts.



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