Yurchenko Lyubov
National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Cherkasy, Ukraine
Gontarenko Ludmila
National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Cherkasy, Ukraine
Hovalenkov Serhii
National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Cherkasy, Ukraine
DOI: 10.52363/2522-1892.2024.2.10
Keywords: ecological safety, science, technology, man, biosphere
Environmental safety of objects, states and processes on the eve of the next qualitative leap in the structure and dynamics of science and production is considered in the context of a radical reorientation of scientific and technological progress.
Paying attention to the social, political, economic and moral prerequisites of the globalization reorientation of society, attention is drawn to those opportunities that have appeared in society in modern times.
The study of the phenomenon of environmental safety is structured in the work in such a way that a person no longer simply confronts the object as something external, but turns into a constituent part of the system that it changes.
The work provides some basic parameters of the state of ecological security in Ukraine, including the period of war.
Modern science and technology, which are the basis of technologies, including environmental protection, fragment the world in a fundamentally different way than in previous eras, bringing new types of objects into the orbit of human activity – complex self-developing systems with human participation. The study shows that the development of such systems is accompanied by passage through special states of instability (bifurcation); at these moments, influences lead to the emergence of new structures, levels of organization, transforming the previous ones.
The course of evolution clearly shows that the promotion of bio-saving technologies takes place on a number of levels: low-waste technologies, environmentally friendly production, bioautonomous processes, rising by extrapolation to the degree of biosphere-compatible technologies or autotrophic production. In the given chain, each subsequent element cannot function without the previous one. And there is no reason to simplify the situation, believing that in the future production will be based exclusively on bioreproduction. it will probably contain elements of bioconservation, bioregeneration, and bioautonomy.
It has been established that a person is subject to such influence as an object not only of the biosphere, but also of technology and the primary source of technogenic influence on the environment, which must be taken into account during the formation of the philosophical basis of the strategy of environmental security of society.
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