Model of quality of detection of environmental hazards using real data of monitoring
B. Pospelov, V. Andronov
Development of quality models of environmental hazard detection for real data monitoring in the form of the problem of testing two statistical hypotheses. Well-known methods and the results of solving the problem of testing two statistical hypotheses using in relation to the problem of detection of environmental hazard according to monitoring by technical means. Propose a generalized mathematical model of quality environmental hazard detection. On the basis of the generalized model have proposed the simplified model of the quality of detection of environmental hazards on the monitoring data. The generalized model is based on the current priori probability of the presence and absence of environmental hazards, on the average risk of environmental hazard detection, on the probability of correct and false detection of danger, as well as the cost of wrong decisions related to the pass, and false detection. Simplified model determines the relationship of average risk of erroneous decisions, with the probabilities of correct and false detection of environmental hazards. The models can be used in practice for assessing and determining of basic indicators of the quality of detection of environmental hazard according to monitoring real objects.
Keywords: mathematical model, the quality of detection of environmental hazards objects monitoring data.
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