Assessment of the air pollution at the industrial stations in metropolitan area of bucharest

 C. M. Balaceanu, G. Iordache

 The assessment of the level of NOx concentration in industrial stations Titan, Berceni and Drumul Taberei from Bucharest urban area is the aim of this paper. The study has been performed for the all the four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn, for year 2015. In this study it was take in consideration the variation of pressure, temperature, meteorological parameters across the year. The measurement shows that the highest NOx concentrations occur in the winter and autumn periods, due to unfavorable meteorological dispersion conditions and due to the traffic and operation of thermal power plants in the cold seasons. These thermal power plants, in Bucharest, operate on natural gas, because plants have been refurbished. Generally, the results show that the industrial stations are the main contribution when the  NOx exceed the limit value, according to Law 104/2011. This exceeded of limit value together with meteorological condition and development of industry affect the human health, affect vegetation. This type of study of spatial and temporal variability of pollutant concentrations allows evaluating the requirements of air quality models to represent the key effects.

Keywords: pollutants, spatial and temporal variability, industrial, meteorological conditions.


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