Ensuring of environmental safety of nanomaterials by controlling the quality of nanostructures

I. Bogdanov, Y. Suchikova, S. Vambol, V. Vambol


The relevance of the study is explained by the fact, that more than 50 countries conduct research and development in the field of nanotechnology and at least 30 countries have their own national programs in this field. In this paper, the main stages of the life cycle of nanotechnology products and their impact on the environment. The elements of a quality management system for nanostructures that are responsible for the environmental safety of nanoproducts used in microelectronics and photoelectric energy converters. Ensuring the quality of nanostructures leads to the extension of the life of the products on their basis, that is, the life cycle of products. In addition, the probability of nanoparticle release into the environment is reduced through the stabilization of the surface properties of the samples. Structural components of the detailed scheme of the control system for the technological process of electrochemical dissolution of a crystal. The tasks of controlling the process of electrochemical dissolution of a crystal are the establishment of such technological regimes in which it becomes possible to obtain nanostructures with predictable and programmable properties taking into account external factors.

Keywords: environmental safety, nanomaterials, quality management, life cycle.


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