Modification of pyrotechnic composition to effectively neutralize acidic and chemically hazardous atmospheric precipitation
M. Kustov, V. Kalugin
In this article the problem of reducing environmental hazards of the region from acid rain and emissions of chlorine and phosgene in emergency situations of anthropogenic nature has been solved. For this purpose, a new composition of the pyrotechnic charge capable under certain conditions to initiate precipitation and to neutralize their acidity has been developed. Various modifications of the developed composition lead to active sedimentation of both supercooled clouds and clouds with a temperature above 12 °C. The main pyrotechnic properties of the developed composition have been checked experimentally. It is shown that additive of cellulose allows to obtain an additional amount of alkali in the combustion component of pyrotechnic composition and to an increase in the degree of neutralization of the acidity of the sediments. For the purpose to increase the degree of neutralization of highly toxic gases – chlorine and phosgene, modification of pyrotechnic composition with sodium hydroxide addition is offered. A method is proposed for neutralizing chlorine and phosgene by inoculating the zone of contamination with sodium alkali using light aviation.
Keywords: atmospheric precipitation, pyrotechnic composition, acid rain, chemical neutralization, the initiation of precipitation.
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