Analysis of the aircraft noise impact on environment for determine the rational ways of its reduction
D. Tiniakov, Zhengqiang Cheng, Jie Liu
Actuality of the study and the neediest to develop rational ways for aircraft noise reducing is shown. Directions for aviation noise reduction is proposed. Analysis of the problem of aircraft noise has shown that together with increasing cargo-capacity and passenger-capacity of the civil aircraft to increase and aircraft deleterious effect on the environment, including the human health. The structure analysis in general and aircraft noise in particular for determining rational ways of the noise reducing is performed. The following results were obtained: the main characteristics of the aircraft noise spectrum classification, noise characteristics classification, analyzed the main sources of aircraft noise and their noise characteristics are shown. The aircraft noise specifics with depending on the flight stage is given. The main ways to reduce aircraft noise proposed: improving characteristics of engines, as well as improved aerodynamic characteristics of airframe by rational choice of geometrical parameters of particular units.
Keywords: aircraft noise, noise level, noise intensity, noise frequency, noise reduction, protective coverage.
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