Selection of criterial apparatus for complex assessment of ecological safety level of exploitation process of power plants


O. Kondratenko


Present paper describes the results of selection of mathematical apparatus for the complex calculation criterial assessment of ecological safety level of exploitation process of power plants which equipped with piston internal combustion engine based on analysis of known ones. Proposed the classification of such mathematical apparatuses that most suitable for objects of assessment on the basis of type of set of used initial data. Implemented the analysis of advantages and lacks of such apparatuses and methodics of their application. Grounded of priority of application of types of such apparatuses. Grounded of recommendation of application of complex fuel and ecological criteria of prof. Parsadanov as the only one that operates with full set of legislative normalized factors of ecological safety, have the physical sense and taking into account fuel consumption of engine. Determined the limits of application of concept «accident-free exploitation process». Analyzed of influence of fuel consumption of engine on factors of ecological safety of accident-free exploitation process of assessed objects. Determined that the recommended criterial apparatus is deprived of opportunity to take into account of legislative established values of influencing factors, obtain of their regime values and accounting of its wider spectrum.

Keywords: technogenic and ecological safety, complex criterial assessment, power plant, engine.


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